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No Active Listings Found. Not to worry. We can help! Take advantage of our worldwide network of licensed brokers, and current owners. Let us go to work for you and find that perfect timeshare vacation property that you and your family and friends can enjoy for years to come. Why spend hours on the web […]
May 14, 2013 – Old Scam with New Tricks, So Sellers Beware
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Old Scam with New Tricks, So Sellers Beware! Tampa, Florida – May 14, 2013: Just when you think you have seen it all in the timeshare business, well, you get to see it again! This time around though, the shell company is different. This is how it goes: The Scam Process A […]
August 16 2011 – Best Timeshares in Orlando
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Best Timeshares in Orlando Tampa, Florida – August 16, 2011: Orlando is the timeshare capital of the world. There are dozens of wonderful timeshares for sale and timeshare rentals available in Orlando. Of course, some Orlando timeshares are more popular than others. At Timeshare Broker Sales, we love to keep our clients […]