Selling Your Timeshare Property the Right Way
We Are Often Asked: “How Do I Sell My Timeshare?”
Have you thought about selling your timeshare property recently? Those who have timeshares may feel as though they want to get out of the timeshare they currently own. One of the most common reasons for this is they may have a change in finances that necessitates that they sell the timeshare. Regardless of the reason, prospective sellers need to make sure that they are selling through a company that they are going to be able to trust. This means that research is in order before you sign with a company to help you sell your timeshare.
The following are some of the things that you are going to want to look for with these companies. If they are unable to offer the following, it is a good idea to take your business and your timeshare elsewhere for a sale.
Licensed Realtors with Experience
One of the first things that you should look for when you are going to sell your timeshare is a company that is going to be able to provide you with actual licensed realtors to handle your transactions. Not all companies have realtors, and even those companies that do may not have the experience that you need when you are selling your timeshare. You always want to know what the sellers are able to bring to the table in terms of their experience.
A Full Service Company
It is also important to have a company that is going to be able to help you through every step of the selling process. Having a company that is going to help find buyers who are qualified and who have an actual interest in your property is an important step of the process, and you need help from a company with experience here. The company should also be able to negotiate for you so that you are able to get a good price for your timeshare when you sell.
No Fees Upfront
Some companies will try to charge upfront fees when they are selling your timeshare for you. If they already have the fees, you have to wonder how motivated are those companies going to be when it comes to selling your timeshare. If they are making money from the fees they are charging you, many would not have the drive needed to work as hard for you. Choose a company that is not going to charge you any upfront fees. Look at how the company makes money. They should make their money as a percentage after closing. This ensures that they are going to try to get the most money possible for your timeshare, and that they are going to work hard to sell for you.
A Dose of Realism
The company that is selling the timeshare for you should also be honest with you about your timeshare and the possibility of how long it could take your sale to go through. While timeshares are still popular, that does not mean that you are going to be able to list a timeshare today and sell tomorrow! Many factors, such as the condition of the property and the location of the property, not to mention the price, are all going to be large factors in the process.
Respect in the Field
Another one of the things that you will want to consider when you are choosing a company for your timeshare sale is just how others view them. Specifically, you want to know how the Better Business Bureau views the company. When you are working with a company that has accreditation from the BBB, you will find that they are generally going to be reliable and trustworthy, which is something that you need when you are selling essentially your interest in a property.
The preceding are some of the most important things that you will want to consider as you start looking at companies to help with your sale. Do not make the mistake of rushing too quickly into the fold of a company that you do not research. If you do, you might find that they take advantage, net you a lower price, or take forever to sell your property while collecting fees from you.
How Do I Sell My Timeshare?

Selling Your Timeshare with the Right Company
If you have a timeshare property and you are looking to sell, you will be happy to know that it is entirely possible to do. Of course, it is very important that you make sure you are selling it using the right company. You must make sure that you are working with a company that you are going to be able to trust and that will be able to help you to get the right price for the timeshare with reasonable commissions.
People find a need to sell a timeshare for many different reasons. Some find that they can’t spend the time there they wish they could, while others are looking to buy a new timeshare elsewhere. Others find that they are no longer able to pay for the timeshare due to a lost job or other change in life. No matter the reason, there might just come a time when you have to sell. Here are some tips that will help ensure you are working with the top companies when it comes to selling.
Tip #1: Do Your Research
Before you bought a home, you did research. You made sure that you found a home that was within your budget, in the area you wanted to live, and that had the features you needed. You probably researched the realtor you worked with as well. You did the same thing when you were getting a new vehicle. Why would you do any less with a timeshare resale company? You have to make sure that you are looking into the history of the company to see how long they’ve been in business. You want to know whether they have a good standing in the field and what actual customers who have used them have to say. The BBB is a good place to start. The more information you have about the company the better off you are going to be. Never skimp on the research.
Tip #2: Use Companies that Have Real Licensed Brokers
You will find that many of the companies out there offering to help you sell that timeshare are not actual brokers and realtors at all. This is where many people make a mistake. You always want to make sure that you are working with a company that has licensed real estate brokers who are realtors and who know the business. You want to make sure that the company has accreditation from the BBB as well.
Tip #3: Understand the Finances of the Deal
You also need to make sure that you understand the finances involved. The timeshare resale company is going to make a commission, but you want to know just how much that commission is going to be before you sign anything. You also want to know when you are going to have to pay the commission. When you are working with a reputable company, you will find that you do not have to pay anything until after they sell your timeshare and the transaction completes. This is a far better solution to a company that charges any upfront advance fees for their services. It is going to help ensure that they are really working hard to sell that timeshare.
Tip #4: Ask Plenty of Questions
If this is your first time selling a timeshare, then you are probably going to have quite a few questions. Make sure that you ask all of the questions about the sale before you sign anything with the company. They should be forthright about their business, and they should be able to answer all of your questions to your satisfaction. If they start speaking in terms that you do not understand, make sure that you tell them so that they can explain things in a manner that most people can get. Some of the questions that you might want to ask include the length of time that it takes on average to sell a timeshare, and how the sales process is going to work.
These are some of the best and simplest tips that you are going to want to keep in mind and utilize when you are getting ready to sell your timeshare. Start your search for a reputable company that will be able to help you with the selling of your timeshare today.
Timeshare Broker Sales is a licensed REALTOR® (a member of the Licensed Timeshare Resale Brokers Association), and a BBB Accredited Business. We are timeshare resale specialists for Hilton Grand Vacations Club worldwide, and other premium resort developers such as Marriott, Starwood, Disney and Hyatt.
For timeshare sellers, our listing services are hassle-free. We never charge advance fees, collecting payment only once your timeshare is sold. If you would like to list with us, simply fill out our Free Listing Application. Or if you are curious what your timeshare is worth, please fill out the Free Market Survey form to tell us more about your timeshare.
Top Five Reasons to Buy a Timeshare
Still Waiting To Buy A Timeshare? Stop Waiting!
Have you been thinking about buying a timeshare recently? Those who are looking for a smart way to vacation at their favorite destination each year would do well to consider some of the many benefits that timeshares are able to offer. Here are five of the top reasons that you might want to choose one of these properties.
Afford a Great Property
When you choose to buy into a timeshare, you are going to be able to afford a great property. It is going to be possible to find a property that has luxury amenities that you might not be able to afford otherwise. Buying the timeshare is going to be much less expensive than it would be if you were to buy a second vacation home that you are only going to be using for a week or two out of the year.
Feel at Home on Vacation
When you are on vacation, you want to feel as though you are at home. Coming back to a hotel room after a long day is not going to give you that feeling. However, if you have a timeshare that you use year after year, it is going to become your home. You will find that they are generally going to have quite a bit more in the way of amenities and features as well.
Lots of Wonderful Locations
You will have a number of different locations from which you are going to be able to choose when you buy a timeshare too. Whether you are looking for a beach vacation, a location in your favorite city, or a place to spend a couple of weeks in the mountains, you will be able to find it.
Save More Money
When you have a timeshare, you will find that it can help you save even more money on your vacation. You will be able to cook at your timeshare rather than eating out all of the time. This can save quite a bit of money!
Never Wonder Where You Will Stay
You never have to scramble at the last minute just so you can find a place to stay when you are going on vacation. You will always know that your timeshare is going to be ready for you when you arrive. Imagine just how disappointing it would be if you were to schedule your vacation, only to find out all the hotels were booked because of a convention in town! A timeshare ensures that will never happen.
Basics of Setting a Selling Price for a Timeshare
Basics of Setting a Selling Price for a Timeshare
Are you one of the many out there in possession of a timeshare property? While timeshares have a ton of potential as a great way to vacation, and it is nice to know that you have somewhere that you will be able to spend your vacation each year, it might be time for you to get rid of your timeshare. You may find that certain economic factors in your life right now are making timeshare ownership too difficult for you. If you are out of work, those annual fees can be difficult to handle. Regardless of the reason, it could be time that you looked into selling your timeshare.
Getting the Price Just Right
Selling the timeshare is not exactly like selling a home. Certainly, you want to make sure that you are getting the best selling price for your timeshare, and that means that you will have to know how to price it properly. If you price the timeshare too high, most people are not going to give it a second look. They want to have something that they are going to be able to afford, after all. However, if you price too low believing that your unit is going to sell faster, you might be in for a bit of a surprise as well. People are going to be suspicious that something must be terribly wrong with the timeshare and they are going to avoid it. You have to find and hit that Goldilocks zone.
You will want to know some of the things that are going to have an effect on the way that you price the unit. Two of the biggest things that you are going to want to consider are the location and the usage dates that you have for your timeshare. If you are in a location that is not as desirable, or if you have off-season dates for the resort, you are going to find that it is not going to be able to sell for quite as much in most cases. Another one of the big issues that people will have is with the maintenance. If the timeshare is not in good condition, the selling price is going to drop substantially.
Getting Help
If you are having trouble getting a good understanding of how much you should charge for your timeshare, then you may want to have some help when it comes to figuring out what the real value of the timeshare is going to be. Keep in mind that with the timeshare, you are not going to be able to change certain things as you would with your own property. For example, you aren’t going to be able to knock down walls or add new appliances to give it a shiny exterior that can motivate buyers.
Some might find that it is going to be more advantageous from a selling perspective to hold onto the unit for a few more years until the demand goes up again. Of course, this is all going to depend on your current financial needs.
If you have trouble determining the optimal selling of your timeshare, fear not, call our experienced brokers at 800-985-9946
Top Four Reasons to Sell Your Timeshare with Us!
Check out this short video about selling your timeshare with us! We could list dozens of reasons you should sell your vacation ownership property with the friendly and knowledgeable timeshare brokers hare at TBS, but that would make a really long video. Instead, we chose our favorites – the top four reasons to sell your timeshare here with us at Timeshare Broker Sales.
We’ve summarized below, but isn’t it always more fun to watch a video?!
- Licensed real estate agents that specialize in selling timeshares – it’s all we do, every day!
- No Upfront Fees to sell your timeshare, ever – just pay a percentage based commission at closing.
- Complete timeshare brokerage services – we’ll find qualified buyers and negotiate on your behalf: we’ve got you covered from start to finish
- BBB Accredited Business – signifies trust, reliability and honesty – we’ve never had a complaint!
Need more reasons to sell your timeshare with TBS? Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter to catch up with us all over the web. And don’t be afraid to call for more information – there’s no question about selling your timeshare that we cant help answer. So don’t wait, contact us today at: 800-985-9946 to learn more.
Share a Lifetime of Memories with Vacation Ownership
MSN Money offers Great Timeshare Resales Advice
We love finding good coverage of timeshare-related topics on mainstream media. We’ve recently stumbled upon some great advice at MSN Money that we’d like to make available to our website visitors.
The post, entitled: How to Buy and Sell Timeshares offers a comprehensive “overview” of timeshare resale best practices. Check it out and feel free to contact us with any questions about buying or selling vacation ownership property.
As addressed in the article, we are a licensed timeshare broker, a BBB accredited business, and we never charge an upfront fee to sell timeshare.